NLArts News
Good Morning NLarts friends
We have been extremely busy the past week working to bring you lots of new programming.
First your reading this on our brand new site! We finally have an easier way for you to sign up for our programming, and find out what we are all about!
Summer Camp and Spring break Camp are both open for registration.
This Saturday we are celebrating African American Culture at Ruba Club. This family event is only $5 and we will be presenting food, music, dance, storytelling, food, and art projects for the whole family!! Buy tickets and find more details here
May 4th Brings us our second Annual Faculty exhibition. Aren't you curious what our teachers make?
In addition I am working on an adult workshop program, and we have our Second Annual Gala on the calendar for August 23 2018 at Liberty Lands at 5PM. Please Save the date! I am confident we will not run out of food!
We cant wait to see all of you soon!
As always any questions and concerns,
Please contact me
Natasha Mell-Taylor